Live Ethics can help make your organisation a more humane and inspiring place to work, by facilitating the development of ethical leadership. Ethical leadership is not just avoiding ethical failures, nor is it just compliance — although these are important! Ethical leadership is striving towards your authentic self, at the same time facilitating others to do the same. Often this takes moral courage: often it takes moral imagination.
However, first you must understand the ethical aspects or tensions in your role, organisation, or sector. These are often hidden to us, disguised by 'the way things are done' in our everyday busy lives.
Live Ethics helps leaders in organisations make more informed and considered decisions, encouraging them to think carefully about the ethical impact of their choices. Offering tailored guidance in ethical leadership development, Live Ethics shares knowledge through reviews, coaching, workshops, and advice.
Tapping into our lived experience of ethical leadership and drawing upon the wisdom within it, is something that the founder and Principal of Live Ethics, Alice Gibson, has explored in depth.
Through extensive research and study in the context of professional and business ethics, Alice has completed an Honours Degree in Philosophy, a Bachelor of Business (Management), a Master's Degree in Applied Ethics, and a PhD in ethical leadership.
Professionally, Alice is an experienced and successful policy and program manager. She has managed programs and policy initiatives in more than 11 countries, costing from $3,000 to $30 million. She has more than 20 years' experience in the Government and energy sectors.
Offering tailored guidance in ethical leadership development, Live Ethics taps into into wisdom shares and knowledge through reviews, coaching, workshops, and advice.
If your organisation is interested in becoming a more humane and inspiring place to work, and contributing something back to society, Alice can help you achieve this through an Ethical Leadership Review. This includes identifying what ethical leadership means to selected individuals within your organisation from a lived experience perspective. The qualitative interview data underpins an understanding of what ethical leadership looks like specific to your organisation, and the implementation of this within your organisation.
The review is the most comprehensive approach to developing ethical leadership from an organisational perspective, and consists of the following:
Alice can help guide you to identify what ethical leadership means to you from a lived experience perspective, and help you put it into practice.
She can help you develop your 'authentic self' as underpinning a path toward ethical leadership. This can take time.
The coaching model is the most comprehensive approach to developing ethical leadership from an individual perspective, and consists of the following:
Alice offers introductory workshops to ethical leadership, including the two below focused on understanding ethical leadership from the lived experience. However, workshops can also be tailored to a more specific aspect you wish to explore within your organisation.
In this workshop, Alice will focus on how you currently understand ethical leadership from your own lived experience, and identify what you think the moral tensions are, or moral aspects of your role, organisation and/or industry?
Alice will introduce you to the seven aspects of ethical leadership from her own research, and discuss the themes that emerged in your stories, in comparison with these. She will introduce the concept of authenticity - from an existential perspective.
Alice can help you design and/or implement a specific ethical leadership project that is important to you, your organisation or sector.
Just about every aspect of business is imbued with ethics, even if it's not obvious or considered through an ethical lens. Often there are competing ethical considerations.
Before you develop a strategy to address a particular issue (for example inclusivity, sustainability, or stakeholder engagement) that goes beyond risk management and/or compliance, Alice can help you strive for ethical leadership. She can help you identify: